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My First Love

CREATIVE WRITING will always be my first love. It's so exciting, like playground recess for my soul. I get to let my words dance with sparkling sunlight and drink from crystal clear natural springs. I get to stretch my wings wide, and parade around the minds of my audience, bringing bold messages of love and empowerment. I get to lose the 3-piece suit, come from behind the curtain and actually connect, on so many levels, with people I may have never known otherwise.

My love for creative writing is so real, it has taken on a presence of its own at times - forcing me to pat around frantically searching for a pen, as if it were a discarded winning lottery ticket, just to "get it out of my head" so I can breathe normally again. Real writers know what I'm talking about... when that moment of inspiration hits you either capture it, or lose it. That said, throughout my life, I've scribbled countless heartbreak poems and gracefully sharp prose on anything I could find at the time - napkins, paper bags, tissue paper... I think it's time to let them have their days in the sun. So I will be sharing them with you. My one rule: I won't edit if you don't judge. Agreed?

Just in time for fall, here's an excerpt from my vintage college collection, circa 1995.

It was a beautiful "eye-of-the-storm" moment so I captured it:

"The late autumn sun burned its way to the Earth, setting the wide field ablaze with an orange glow. The wind blew gently, however with a warning of the chilly evening that would host the stars tonight. I was glad I opted to bring my leather jacket; the smooth lining was especially soft and warm. The musky scent of the black Italian leather blended with that of crisp, fallen leaves and the lush grass covering the ground beneath my feet. I took a deep breath of clean oxygen, let it fill my whole body and exhaled fully, becoming aware that I felt completely at peace."

Nice, right?? It's a mixture of my chosen words and your chosen mental images, and it makes you feel things inside. Who couldn't love this stuff?? Thank you for letting me share! More to come.

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